The Day I Lost My Way and Ended Up in a Forest, Alone

The true story of how I evaded a possible death, and escaped from the thick forests of Nepal

Vivek S Nair
Ascent Publication


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

“Was it the snow leopard? ”

With a cold apprehension the old guy struck his cane into the ground. With greater difficulty, he bent down to get a closer look. Then he picked up a twig from the ground and poked it into the cold body.

“I’m afraid not… This is not the work of a wild animal. The body has not been devoured and I am unable to find any reason why the boy’s face is like that”. Not shifting his pose, with a sigh, he brushed his long beard, as if trying to put together all his observations. He looked at the other guy with a remark of disbelief in his eyes. He sighed once again, heavily this time, before beginning to speak.

“Our suspicions, about the sherpa who went missing this month, seems to be certain now. This boy appears to have seen something he shouldn’t have... It could be the ghosts lurking at night that could’ve killed this boy.”


“You westerners will not believe our tales.” He took a long pause before making an attempt to inform Mike. As he took a glance back at Mike’s face, he realised how absurd his idea might sound to him. He continued speaking, but…



Vivek S Nair
Ascent Publication

Engineer, Teacher, and Romantic. Dwelling into the ethos of life and communities.