The Difference Between Anger and Inner Fire

I openly admit that I use the word FUCK a lot. And I love it.

Kasia Patzelt
Ascent Publication


It carries so much fire within it, so much aliveness and authenticity. It’s an uncensored, unmanaged, unfiltered exclamation of what I feel in a moment of …well, outrage or disbelief, in a moment of violation of my human nature and dignity. It’s an expression of me claiming inside myself what I call “Inner Fire”. It’s the part that comes out when I sit with my friend (or myself) and watch her go through the same story for years, repeating the cycles of self-doubt, confusion and flat-lined, compromised self-expression. Instead of allowing boredom and yawning to take over, and consequently my heart to close, that part simply cuts the bullshit and lets me breathe.

WTF?! Stop that shit and give me the real you, for fucks’ sake!

It’s a really handy tool, a great friend if you know how to meet and treat it well. In our society anger still receives a lot of bad press and for good reason. It’s a powerful force and one should definitely meet it with respect otherwise it can get out of control and toxic.

However, anger is not what it seems to be. Because, you see, anger like all the other ‘emotions’ is just one ‘flavor’ of the same thing: the electric current that runs through us, the power that…

