The Easiest Way to Become a Digital Nomad in Less Than a Month

The Clumsy Gypsy
Ascent Publication
Published in
10 min readNov 13, 2018


No, that’s not really my office. I sit on a cushion on the floor with the computer on a side table. But isn’t this a great “typical digital nomad” photo?

As travel becomes cheaper and more accessible and jobs become more flexible and more remote, we’re seeing our peers exchanging the American Dream for for a globe-trotting existence in increasing numbers. Wanderlust is contagious, and if you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve caught it too.

But how to actually gain entry to the fabled land of Digital-Nomad-Dom? What if your current job doesn’t allow for remote work? You’ve heard about vloggers and bloggers, affiliate marketing, social media influencing, virtual assisting, web design and developing, and other specialized remote professions that simply might not be an option for you given your interests and skillset or the time and risk it takes to delve into these fields.

Back in 2013 whilst living in Nepal, I discovered a niche market for online English teachers. Much to my delight, I was able to put my teaching profile on the website I’d found, wait for students to schedule a class with me, and pay my expenses in Nepal with only a few classes per week. (Side note, Nepal is reealllly cheap. If you want to travel somewhere cool that won’t break the bank, check out Nepal but do be careful of earthquakes and landslides and maoists.) My only qualifications were a bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field and a TESOL certificate, which is painfully easy to…



The Clumsy Gypsy
Ascent Publication

Long-term low-budget nomad writing about travel mishaps and adventures, relationships, sharing economy, and whatever else strikes my fancy that day.