The Ivy Lee Method: A Profoundly Simple Yet Effective Way to Get More Out of Your To-Do List

Productivity does not have to be complicated.

Eugene Adams
Ascent Publication


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The Charles Schwab Story

Charles M. Schwab was the president of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Success in the steel and shipbuilding industries made him one of the wealthiest Americans of the 1920s.

When adjusted for inflation, his net worth reached $1.19 billion.

A massive reason for Charles Schwab’s success was his obsession with productivity. He was constantly searching for new ways to increase productivity. That desire led him to a man by the name of Ivy Lee.

Ivy Lee was one of the pioneers of the public relations field. Ivy Lee told Charles Schwab that all he needed was 15 minutes with each of his executives.

The two men came to an unusual financial agreement. Ivy Lee told Charles Schwab to try his suggestions for three months, then pay him whatever he felt the advice was worth.

The advice must have been effective because Charles Schwab wrote a check for $25,000 ($400,000 when adjusted for inflation) three months later.

What was this amazing productivity method?

The Ivy Lee Method



Eugene Adams
Ascent Publication

Certified Personal Trainer | I write about fitness, self-improvement, and anything else that might help people live better all-around lives.