The Life-Changing Magic of Trusting Your Intuition

According to science, listening to your intuition could lead you to a better life. Here are 5 practical exercises to start sharpening this gift.

Emily Stroia
Ascent Publication


Photo by Heidi Sandstrom. on Unsplash

Our intuition is that inner voice or gut instinct that drives us to make decisions without analytical reasoning.

It comes from an innate source of truth and wisdom.

We can’t explain why or how we get this information but people live to tell stories of how their intuition helped them navigate all kinds of situations.

Intuition gives us signals or feelings that lead us to make a choice without reason.

Examples of this are a bad feeling about a family member and finding out they are sick or a synchronistic series of events that led you to meet your life partner.

While intuition is mysterious source of information it has a profound influence on the way we live day-to-day.

According to science, researchers found in a study that intuition does exist and when people use their intuition they make faster, more accurate



Emily Stroia
Ascent Publication

Psych therapist in training. I write about mental health, trauma, well-being, and spirituality. Stay for a while.