1 Smart Process That Will Make You a Better Decision-Maker

With an example of a real-life decision, it helped me make

Manasi Kudtarkar
Ascent Publication


The act of decision-making was always my undisputed Achilles’ heel. From the most trifle decisions like choosing a restaurant to the big-ticket ones like choosing a college, every situation that forced me into decision-making posed a conundrum of gargantuan proportions.

The character of Chidi from ‘The Good Place’, was undoubtedly inspired by the likes of me. I was one indecisive wreck! For the uninitiated, Chidi is an endearing yet chronically indecisive, moral philosophy and ethics professor, whose incapability to make decisions causes far-reaching repercussions for him and his dear ones, one of the rather exaggerated repercussions being Chidi’s own death.

I read some archetypal, run-of-the-mill self-help books, watched some videos, none of which got me very far in my attempt to be a better and firmer decision-maker.

Note: This article is 1600 words long. If you want the simple decision-making template + checklist, you can download it here. It’s free.

Why is decision-making…



Manasi Kudtarkar
Ascent Publication

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