The Pep Talk — Your Dreams Are Worth the Fight

Shana Douglas
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2017

Yesterday was not my day.

I just couldn’t get it together.

I woke up tired and stayed that way all day.

I couldn’t shake it.

Some days are just like that.

And if you’re busy like me — a single mom of four kids (ages 8, 3, and 2-year old twins) — with a full-time job and a side hustle, a lot of days are like that.

On those days, you just gotta “take a knee,” like they do in the NFL. And look forward to the next opportunity to get back in the game.

Life presents daily challenges.

That’s why it’s important to have daily routines, habits, tips, techniques, tactics, mantras, affirmations, prayers, and tools at your disposal, so you can face those daily challenges with power.

You will:

· run into roadblocks

· bump into brick walls and

· stumble over stepping stones.

It’s inevitable. That’s just way the game of life is played.

I don’t want to tell you to plan on getting tripped up. That would be kind of “Negative Nancy.” And I’m not really like that.

So, I’ll just say this, “Don’t be surprised when Mr. Obstacle pulls the rug out from under you or grabs you by the short-and-curlees and brings you to your knees.”

You get the picture, right?

It’s not personal. It’s just business. It’s what Mr. Obstacle does. It’s what he was born to do.

But what you were born to do is to be bigger, better, and bolder than he is.

Remember that.

He will throw you off your game. But you just have to figure out how to get off the sidelines and get back in, so you can reach your goals.

Otherwise, he will hunt you down, like a lion hunts gazelle.

Don’t let it happen.


  1. Outsmart him.
  2. Outrun him.
  3. Outfox him.

The way I see it, we all need to be motivated and inspired every day. Because it’s easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking or feeling overwhelmed by circumstances that don’t meet our expectations.

Like Zig Ziglar said: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.”

We need a daily reminder that we’re awesome!

That we’re strong. That we’re champions.

That we are not going to let a roadblock or an obstacle stop us.

We have to learn that there is more than one way to skin a cat. (Sorry for the disgusting analogy).

And that our dreams are worth fighting for. No matter what.

Even if they take longer or cost more or require more effort than we thought they would.

Your dreams are worth the fight.


Stay positive.

Stay strong.

Stay thirsty.

Stay determined.

Only then will you become unstoppable.

And remember, you were born for a reason. And the world is waiting for you to shine. Brighter.

You got this!



P.S. And if you forget any of what I just said, then read it again tomorrow.



Shana Douglas
Ascent Publication

Lawyer | Health and Nutrition Writer | Content Marketer |