The Power of Asking ‘Why Not’ In Addition To ‘Why’

‘Starting with why’ is no longer enough.

Victor Ha
Ascent Publication


“People who labor all their lives but have no purpose to direct every thought and impulse toward are wasting their time — even when hard at work.”

— Marcus Aurelius

Start With Why

By now, you must be sick of hearing the umpteenth person spout the phrase ‘Start With Why’, but bear with me. It is a question that bears repeating, especially in the context of the questions posed in the latter half of this piece.

Simon Sinek has done such a great job getting us to think about ‘why’, that it is now the only natural thing to ask prior to embarking on anything.

“I want to eat.”


“I’m hungry dammit!”

“Fine, good enough reason.”

For the uninitiated, the original crash course by Simon himself can be found here.

Think of your ‘why’ as your true north. It serves to provide direction in life. If you look up and see your true north, that is — your purpose in life founded upon your values and strengths, you will never feel lost.

Simon articulates this concept clearly in one of his articles:



Victor Ha
Ascent Publication

Creator of “Big to Small Thinking”. I'm here to help you break down the complexities of modern living and working. Your free blueprint->