The Power of Journaling
For most people, journaling sounds like writing a diary, but it can be so much more.
Journaling, in a traditional way, is nothing more than writing down your thoughts. This can be similar to writing a diary and taking notes of the happenings in your life, but it can also mean to let go of what is going on in your head and release stress.
Additionally to writing down memories and experiences as in a diary, journaling helps to do proper self-reflection and to get to know yourself better.
Keeping a diary is about writing down what happened, journaling is so much more.
Only writing down past experiences will not lead to significant personal growth.
Journaling, on the other side, is an exceptional tool if you want to reflect and grow personally.
It helps to explore and understand yourself and become your best version.
According to mental health professionals, journaling is one of the most recommended tools to have a clearer mind and a happier life. It helps to release mental blockades and be more precise about your thoughts.
Additionally, journaling helps to understand your desires, priorities, and worries.