The Power of Minimalism: How Embracing Less Improves Your Life

And makes room for what matters.

Jessie Vee
Ascent Publication


Beige and black chair in front of white desk
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

In an episode of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” the famous organizing consultant instructs a family to take out all their clothes and put them in a pile.

Her reasoning?

It’s the only way to actually see how many clothes you have.

A simple but effective hack. It’s difficult to imagine how many possessions you own until you see them in front of you together.

When they’re assembled in a big pile, you’re forced to confront the reality: you have too much damn stuff.

You’ve probably experienced a familiar feeling if you've moved recently. An item here and there makes no difference. But when you have to compile everything you own to sort through, it’s eye-opening.

I reached this realization when I moved twice within a year. While I got better at decluttering, I never quite perfected it.

But as I’ve seen the plentiful benefits minimalism can provide, I’ve explored minimalism beyond clothes. It’s done wonders for my wallet, mind, and soul.

Below are four ways minimalism can improve your quality of life. And you’ll discover what truly matters in the process.



Jessie Vee
Ascent Publication

Experienced human resources professional by day and passionate storyteller by night. Avid writer on relationships, work, finance, and more!