The Power of Synergy

Kunal Yadav
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2017
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The Habit #6 of the Highly Effective people is Synergy.

Synergy exists at the heart of creative cooperation. It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

When two people come together in synergy they are saying — I can do good things, you can do good things but together we can do great things!

Synergy is to value the differences —to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses. It is realizing that all the people don’t see the world, as it is, but as they are.

Synergy lies at the core of Win/Win. When a person disagrees with me, I don’t say that you don’t understand me instead I say “Great, you have a different opinion, you look at things from another perspective. Help me understand how you see things”.

Synergy in Business

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We all know that there are a lot of things which we can’t do alone. We always need someone’s help for something. But most of the time it doesn’t work.

We don’t have the mutual trust to understand each other or add value to other. And hence we don’t achieve what we are capable of achieving.

By synergizing and talking to the other person, listening to him, understanding him, trying to look at the things from his eyes we develop the mutual trust necessary to work together.

In this condition, we don’t worry about the outcome but we keep on enhancing each other by compensating for each others’ weaknesses with our own strengths.

That’s how Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were able to build Apple into what it is today. Jobs was excellent at dealing with people and Wozniak was an electronics nerd. They worked together and helped to build the foundation of the world’s largest technology company.

In business, it’s often the case when two parties are arguing over something. And each of them says they are right. But, there is always a third approach, a synergistic approach which says “Let’s talk about this. First, you tell me how you feel about this deal and what are your expectations from me.”

That which is most personal is most general. The more authentic you become, the more genuine in your expression, particularly regarding personal experiences and even self-doubts, the more people can relate to your expression and the safer it makes them feel to express themselves — Carl Rogers

Synergy is about being open to others, to let others know about you and your life, your experiences, and your setbacks because these personal things are more general than you think.

When you open up to someone you develop the trust, and others also open up with you.

I hope you got something better out of this post.

You can learn more about Synergy by reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

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Kunal Yadav
Ascent Publication

Product Engineer at Intercom, AWS Certified Professional who loves Cloud and reading books.