The Real Truth About Comfort Zones You Are Yet To Hear

Bridget O. Menyeh
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2017

“You’re either growing or dying. Stagnation does not exist in the universe.” — Steve Siebold

Today, I had an epiphany! An epiphany whilst doing something in my comfort zone: reading and working whilst in bed.

If I had to choose between sitting up and working from a desk and a bed , I would choose the latter.

Working from my bed has become part and parcel of me — it is my certified comfort zone and I have been doing this for about ten(10) years. I hardly achieve much in this position but I tell myself my body will feel more relaxed this way and thus have a great output — hardly ever the case.

Zooming in on the core of today’s piece, I have realized over time that lying in my comfort zone( in bed) for long hours actually comes with a lot of discomfort.

I usually get up more fatigued with bodily pains all over and just so you know, my mattress works fine.

The real question is, how it is possible that the comfort zone comes with discomfort? I have read several pieces on here that suggest that the comfort zone is the easiest path; the path of least resistance.

Well, that is not entirely true. Every comfort zone comes with some discomfort.


So this got me thinking… thinking about how people can stay in their comfort zones for so long without needing to change levels.

Like everything in the Universe, there are ups and downs; positives and negatives; day and night.

It is inherent in nature not to be fixed in one spot for a long time.

Our comfort zones have in-built signals ( usually some discomfort) when we overstay our welcome.

There is no comfort in the comfort zone.

For the many people who are able to stay in the so-called “comfort zone” for a long time without any discomfort, I have a different diagnosis for you: You may have entered the DEAD ZONE.

If your comfort zone has been cozy for very long, you may have entered the dead zone.

The Dead zone is what I consider an unresponsive zone. A zone that needs some major energy source to induce a resurrection. More like, a life-changing circumstance to induce the force needed to move you out.

It is certainly not a place to be.

The Core Message

This piece is to get you to evaluate yourself and know what state you are in. If you find you are in your comfort zone, are you extremely comfortable or feel some discomfort?

The time for you may be now.

It only gets worse down the comfort ladder.

Act now!

Move out of your comfort zone.

