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The Revenge Trap

Here’s why revenge is a dish best not served at all.

Chris Schatz Ed.D
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2019


I recently spent a lovely weekday morning perusing my local Walmart with my youngest daughter. It was here that I learned an important life lesson in seeking revenge.

After dropping off my older son at school, I decided to swing over and pick up a few things we needed from the local Wally World. It was one of those lazy morning grocery trips where I wasn’t in a particular hurry, like I am in most cases. I took my time and was able to meander around the store while my daughter busied herself in the cart. Eventually, we gathered up the few items we needed and made our way to the check-out lines.

Despite not being in a rush, I spotted the “20 items or less” lane which seemed to have the shortest wait, and we got in line.

The “Incident”

There were a few people ahead of us as we entered the line. We moved quickly through the line and soon the lady in front of me was finishing her purchase. As I began to hurriedly unload my items onto the desk-sized check-out space, I hear someone towards the back of line say loudly, “Man, I’m glad people are in this line with less than 20 items!”

I look towards the voice, and at the back of the line, about three people back stood a silver haired man in his…



Chris Schatz Ed.D
Ascent Publication

Just a guy who is motivated to share my experiences and help others. Husband. Father. Educator. www.facebook.com/chrisschatz6