The Science-Backed Benefits of Mantra Meditation

Do this if you’ve ever struggled with mindfulness.

Alexander Boswell
Ascent Publication


Illustration of author thinking about meditation
Illustration by Author

Over the last few years, meditation has become a part of many people's everyday lives. Due in part thanks to the popularisation of apps like Headspace and Calm but also because of its general acceptance as having a positive influence on the lives of those who practice it.

However, not all meditation is the same and which types work for some may not work as well for others. For example, I always struggled with the popular form ‘mindfulness meditation’.

Mindfulness meditation is the practice of observing one’s body, surrounding sounds, smells, and conscious thoughts as they pass through the mind. I struggled because I found I couldn’t let thoughts go, by the time I realised I’d stopped being mindful a lot of time already passed.

While I did find myself perceiving some benefit, like a more relaxed body, I knew I had to find something else that would work for me. Later I discovered ‘Mantra Meditation’.

What is Mantra Meditation?

Mantra Meditation is exactly what you think it is. A ‘mantra’ is a phrase or syllable you repeat in the duration of a meditation session via chanting. A popular choice for this kind of meditation is the syllable…



Alexander Boswell
Ascent Publication

Founder of SaaSOCIATE, a content marketing agency or MarTech, AdTech, and eCommerce SaaS businesses | Business PhD Candidate | He/Him |