The Single Most Important Factor to Build Self Discipline

Forget “Go Big or Go Home”

Vishal Kataria
Ascent Publication


Between 1986 and ’96, Southwest Airlines grew at an astounding pace. So much that 100 small cities requested them to begin operating in their city. At a time when other airlines were making heavy losses, Southwest Airlines was flooded with opportunity.

What did they do?

They turned down over 95 percent offers and started operating from just four more cities.

Why would they walk away from growth?

Because the airline wanted to grow at a pace that it could sustain.

“Go Big or Go Home” is Crappy Advice

We’ve internalized the adage “Go Big or Go Home.” We believe that only mammoth effort yields significant results. For that, we look for EXTREME self-discipline.

We visualize a disciplined life as one in which there’s no fun.

No more hanging out with friends. No more social media. Live like a monk. Or lock yourself in a closed space and work on that tough project for 6 months.

The only problem is that after 6 months, either the project is finished, or you are. (Often it’s the latter.)



Vishal Kataria
Ascent Publication

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.