The Single Most Important Lesson From Harvard’s Longest Study On Happiness

The most comprehensive study ever done, on well-being

Ascent Publication


We, humans, are complicated. And happiness is one of the most complicated emotions we experience. Our life is often a pursuit to unravel its meaning.

Everyone has their own definition of happiness. We live, grow, and evolve, and as we do, our definition of happiness changes.

Harvard researchers analyzed gigabytes of scientific data to figure out what makes people truly happy.

Having worked as a science researcher for the last 4 years, I’ve now become a bit skeptical of the word “science”, as I see it being thrown around everywhere these days. Scientific research is often based on some assumptions which don’t translate well to generality.

Hence, when I came across this study, I had my share of my doubts. I cross-checked the assumptions they made, the sample size they took, and any biases that might have crept in their research.

Harvard began this research in 1938, and it’s now over 80 years old. It’s led by Dr. Robert Waldinger, professor at Harvard Medical School, who is the fourth director to lead this study in its entirety.

