The small taste of success

Justin In
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2017

In the midst of my busy term of my pursuit to my MA degree in Environment Design, I challenged myself to start a Youtube Channel. And to be honest, I had no expectations for it whatsoever; as it was just a side gig to express my creativity.

With no expectations, slowly came encouragement, positive feedback, and success. And yes, compared to the big Youtube stars out there, a 100 views may not be the definition of success. But in my perspective 100 views screamed 1 million views —glorious success that I have never tasted before. And with this came constant refreshing of my Youtube channel, Facebook post, and Instagram story: just to see if I got another view, another like, another subscriber. And when I started to notice the view count to slow down and become inconsistent, I got worried. Success became poison, a shackle within my life. Instead of focusing on my current studies, I’m constantly brainstorming new content, contemplating if I should whip out the camera today, even when there is nothing to film. Infact, all this thought and inconsistent balance between education and popularity made me physically ill, and I even had to miss out in class. I’m coughing as I write this post.

Success may taste great, but it triggers a spark within the human brain; making it want more of it. And yes, this is what you call ambition, but I believe that a human being must have a balance of ambition and relaxation. If I didnt become sick, I would not have noticed my eager ambition.

Youtube so far, may have been poisonous within my life, but with it came many valuable life lessons. I learned:

  • Success is not everything in life, and that it can be very temporary, and a person constantly craves it.
  • Take precautions, and take it easy as things wont always go the way you want it to.
  • Have balance within your life.

