The Threat of Cancer Is the Only Motivation You Ever Need

Even if you don’t have cancer.

Tim Denning
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2020


Photo by Charles Gaudreault on Unsplash

Cancer motivation has helped me do more in my life than I ever did before it.

This isn’t a morbid look at cancer that can rob you of joy. This is a strategy to empower you and make you unstoppable. It started out weird for me.

A near-miss with cancer in 2015 woke me the hell up. Then today, a family member was diagnosed with cancer in their stomach. Hours later, more tests revealed it had spread to their liver. My heart sank.

You can’t help thinking “that could be me.”

Then I opened my sock draw. There, sitting alone with my socks, was a letter I had hidden. It was a letter requesting me to book myself into hospital for the moment I dread more than any. The moment where they give me an anesthetic and take the video camera for a whirl through my insides, looking for cancer.

The first time, it seemed impossible. The second time there was a pattern. The third time, the doc said “you’re too young to be here — take a look around.”

I hid the letter for my hospital visit because of the pandemic. The pandemic let me off the hook. Now that my hometown has recovered from the chaos, there are no more excuses. I have to face the threat of bad news. As a…



Tim Denning
Ascent Publication

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