The Trap of Self-Development Is Real

No one wants you to be perfect.

Alix A.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Guilherme Caetano on Unsplash

A few days ago, the simple act of walking proved once again how powerful it is. I had been feeling down for a few days. This day was worse than the previous ones. I interrupted my attempts at work, grabbed my keys, and went out for a short walk on the beach. Headphones on, I put one foot after the other, not trying to think about anything. That’s when the truth hit me in the face.

I realized that I had fallen into the trap of self-development. I understood why I had been struggling to feel present for the past few months (years?). I found out why I wasn’t feeling as happy as I thought I was.

The trap of self-development is real. Harmful. And I’ve fallen into it.

Being in a constant quest is exhausting.

I felt mentally tired. Exhausted. Drained. I realized that the reason behind this was that I was on a constant quest for better. That I was constantly trying to improve myself and my life. To grow as a person.

Find better routines. Eat healthier (I already do). Exercise more. Be more productive. More balanced. Be more engaged in my work with new projects. Be more mindful. Advance in my spiritual journey. And so on. It was endless.



Alix A.
Ascent Publication

I write about feeling good in one's body and mind.