These 5 Questions Give Immediate Clarity to Where You’re Heading in Life

“The instinct is to look for answers, but the truth is that questions teach us most.” — Ryan Holiday

Reece Robertson
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2019


If we’re really being honest, many people right now are drifting through life without too much care for where they’re heading.

They’re stuck in the day to day. They’re in a routine. They aren’t curious enough to discover who they are or where they’re going.

As a result, the busyness of life has simply taken over and their time is almost certainly going a whole lot faster than they’d like it to be.

This is not a fun way to live. But it is the unfortunate reality of what happens when you don’t take the time to question where you’re heading or stop to ponder about where you’d really like to go.

The following questions, if applied, will allow you to get out of the trees of your life and see the forest. You’ll be able to discover who you are, where you’re heading and where you really you want to go.

Start by questioning:

1. Where Am I Going?

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not like where you end up.” — David…



Reece Robertson
Ascent Publication

I talk about content writing & personal growth | Connect with me @