These 7 Mindset Hacks Will Make You Resilient To Adversity

Raul Ballesteros
Ascent Publication
Published in
7 min readAug 3, 2018


“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”-Winston Churchill

Pain, suffering, failure, obstacles, adversity, and struggle are all apart of the human experience.

It’s through these experiences that we become adaptable to future challenges and how we build a mental resiliency towards the tougher parts of life.

My mom died about five years ago shortly after I graduated high school to the battle of cancer. This event completely changed the way I looked at the world and myself. At that moment I realized that death is a very real thing.

For about a year after she passed away I was in a dark place mentally and spiritually because I felt lost, confused, uncertain, and scared about my future. I didn’t know how I could handle more of my loved ones passing on or people I cared about.

By dedicating most of my time to personal development and self improvement, I have been able rebuild myself. Every day will be a battle between positive and negative beliefs but the more you interfere with the negative patterns the easier they become to change.

These 7 key pillars will help you develop a warrior mentality:



Raul Ballesteros
Ascent Publication

My mission is to help you become the hero of your story. I alchemized my pain into purpose. Connect with me —