This 4-Step Journaling Technique Taught Me How to Finally Stop Taking Things Personally

Step 2: Write down what happened word-for-word.

Andrei Neboian, Dr
Ascent Publication


Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

One day, my friend asked me how I managed to remain calm after one hell of a hot-blooded dispute with my boss. The truth is, I was keeping a cool façade, but I was burning on the inside.

A nasty argument with a partner, friend, investor, or co-worker could get under my skin, leaving me irritated and angry for the rest of the day. But I could also get offended by someone just because they did what I thought was unjust or unappreciative.

‘Don’t take things personally’ is the advice I heard many times. Well, I did take things too personally. Call me sensitive and fragile. This is how I am, and hearing this advice never helped.

Anger means different things to all of us. Some draw energy from their fire of wrath. Others take pleasure from making grand plans for vengeance when feeling angry. But for me, anger is a distraction. Being in the same room with someone I am angry at felt awkward, uncomfortable, giving me a hard time thinking clearly.

I wanted to learn how to feel comfortable, confident, and empowered around anyone who was pushing my buttons.



Andrei Neboian, Dr
Ascent Publication

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