This Is How I Want To Spend My Life

Exploring The Existence….

Afshana Diya
Ascent Publication
2 min readJun 14, 2018


From the days of my final year of university life, they started asking me. Then when I finally graduated and started my career, the frequency of questions increased.

And They asked me how I would want to spend the rest of my life?

That’s the very generic question, you think? No, it’s not! It’s a deep question and they indicate a lot with that single question! You would have understood, if you are in mid-twenties and haven’t settled down yet (Not settle down as in you haven’t get married yet and didn’t get your own apartment, living with family and they can’t see any prospect of your life!)

I Would Love To Answer Their Questions

I would tell them that I want to travel and experience the life of each place.
I want to know more about culture, technology, philosophy, art, psychology, and of course about people.

I want to know how the culture is so different from place to place. I want to know how people survive with difficult weather, and how they seem so content at their own places!

I want to see how religions and languages change from city to city and how that can change the perceptions of people.

I want to work, not just for earning money but to gain experience and expertise. I want to help, but not just the local business but also individuals from around the world.

I want to share experiences with people and then, I would love to know their stories too. I would love to know how you have come this far and how your grandpa served in World War 2. I want to know about the experience you have got from traveling around.

I Want To Do More And Learn More

I want to explore. I want to belong to myself, not to a place.
I would love to live a hundred lives more than mine.

#ExploringAround 👣



Afshana Diya
Ascent Publication

CMO @ WPDeveloper | Community Organzier | Traveler 🌎