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This is the only thing you need to fullfill your dreams

It worked for me…

Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2018


A few months ago I discovered my passion for writing, something I never imagined. I’d never written in my life but from one moment to another the vision I had for my life changed. It took me a little time to realize this but at that same moment, I decided that I wanted to be a writer. So I got down to work and investigated how to achieve it.

After reading a lot about the subject I understood that the only way to become a writer was living as one.

If you have a dream, there is only one way: live it

It’s a surprisingly simple idea. You just have to learn to work every day as if you had already fulfilled your dream.

If you dream of being a photographer, take pictures every day. If you want to be a writer, write every day. If you want to be an entrepreneur, start a business.

Without thinking, start today and live your dream. Instead of spending time thinking about what it would be like to work on what we like, let’s just do it. There is no excuses for this.

Obviously, in the beginning, we can not afford to live on it, but if we have perseverance and patience it is very likely that we can.

What is your dream?

To live a dream you have to dream it first, so I first had to decipher what I would like to be in the future.

When I decided that the future that most appealed to me was that of being a writer, I began to see what life is like for other writers already consolidated. I read about what their routines are, how they make time to write, how they started. In this way, I learned how to live as a writer, and I implement it in my daily routine.

Since then, immediately after breakfast, I started writing an article. And during the end of the afternoon, I would go back to where I stayed.

Steps to fulfill a dream today (or tomorrow)

1. Learn the routine of people who already live the dream

It’s basic to know what people spend their time who have already fulfilled our dream so we can imitate it.

We have to learn which tasks are important and which are not, in order to direct our efforts well.

2. Find time in the day to carry it out

What we learned from the routines of other people should be implemented in ours.

You have to release one or two hours a day to be able to live our dream at least a little. As we move forward we can carry it out longer.

3. Live the dream

And the most important thing of all is to enjoy. It’s the great goal of living a dream, it’s very rewarding to be able to live from the work we love and it is even more so since we put a lot of effort into it.


The best part of dreams is when they stop being them to become reality.

It doesn’t matter how impossible they seem at the beginning. I never imagined that I would like to be a writer, and here I am trying to be one. I had to make an effort, I had to invest time for this to happen, and although there are days where it seems that everything I do is useless, I don’t give up.

The only thing that is necessary to turn our dreams into reality is the effort. If every day we make progress there is no dream that is not possible.

Today is an interactive article, so if you have any suggestions on this topic take the freedom to leave it in the comments.



Data Scientist & Creative Guy. I write about Self Development, Knowledge, Personal Finances and life in general.