This Is What Happens When You Don’t Take Action

Francesco Fico
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2018


Do you remember when you were reading that self-help book, and you skipped the “fill the blank space” part because you thought it wasn’t useful? This is for you.

Welcome to the era of content. Want to know how giraffes have sex? Google it. Want to know how to become more confident? YouTube it. Want to know what a probiotic is? Wikipedia it.

Content is great because it is way easier for us to access knowledge and it saves us a lot of time. In 1850 you had to go the library of a big city to get a certain book, now you can just google the name of the book and write .pdf in front of it to get a free copy in 7 seconds.

But there are downsides.

Content overload is the first cause of not taking action. There are so many excuses given by content. “I don’t know enough yet”, “I haven’t read the book from x guy, I can’t still do it”, “It won’t come out as good if I don’t see that video first”.

This also happens because content is a great source of escapism. Even if you read about great people and their accomplishments, reading is just enough for you to feel so excited that you do nothing.

But what happens when you don’t take action?

“I am still absorbing a lot of content, I am changing myself and my life” — typical no-doer

1. You Become Annoying

You begin to tell people that they are not meditating, that if they ate healthier they would be happier, you tell them they should go to the gym, read more, watch more profound content instead of Netflix. You begin to see others flaws, not your own. You become extremely annoying. If you want to change others, lead by example.

2. You Are Depressed

Not taking action, while knowing your potential, is the most detrimental thing you could do to yourself. It’s like living with an ice-cream in front of your face for your whole life knowing that you cannot eat it.

3. You Keep Getting Smaller

Of course, this is not on a physical level. This means that your reality begins to shrink: you go out less, you are way more tired and distracted, you achieve less. Your comfort zone shrinks too, and you become weaker day after day.

Just absorbing content is not enough if you don’t take action. It is only an escape and a distraction, but it is the most detrimental one because it points at your flaws and you are not doing anything about them. It is constant exposure to pain.

Take action, change yourself, change your life.

Call To Action

My hope is that this piece may have impacted you and moved something inside you. If it did, be sure to comment down below and express yourself (TAG ME!)
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Francesco Fico
Ascent Publication

I am a med-student, aspiring psychiatrist. Passionate about philosophy, mind, growth and happiness.