This Simple Action is All it Takes to Stick to Your Goals

You Don’t Need Extreme Self-Discipline

Vishal Kataria
Ascent Publication


Photo by Singkham from Pexels

In the gap between who we wish one day to be and who we are at present, must come pain, anxiety, envy, and humiliation. — Alain de Botton

The demand for online courses industry has shot through the roof.

In 2015, the global market for such courses reached $107 billion. Just two years later, the market grew to $255 billion — a whopping 138 percent growth within 2 years!

But there’s something more. And it’s not good.

A study revealed that the average completion for Massive Open Online Courses — MOOCs — is a dismal fifteen percent.

I’ll admit. I’m part of the 85 percent. Barring a couple, almost every online course I’ve signed up for has stalled at the halfway stage.

It’s not just online courses that lie unfinished. College degrees, novels, paintings, songs, projects… every day millions of goals get abandoned.

Nobody begins pursuing their goals with the idea of giving up. When people start something new, it feels amazing. They feel a surge of energy as they begin to shape their vision.



Vishal Kataria
Ascent Publication

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.