Those Wasted Years

So much time wasted fighting, when we could have been loving, instead.

Chrissy Shaw
Ascent Publication


Author’s photo

This past July, my husband and I celebrated out 16th wedding anniversary. We left three kids with my sister-in-law and her family, and one kid with my parents (she had a summer job) and drove down through B.C for a few days. He even convinced me to try ziplining — which was terrifying, by the way, and not something I’m sure I’ll ever do again — which was something he’d always wanted to try.

We had an amazing few days. We both work hard year round, so it was important for us to pause and relax. And with four kids at home, even though they’re not little anymore, it can be hard to fit in enough couple time. So we were able to talk and laugh and strengthen our connection even more.

We’re in an amazing place in our marriage right now and I can’t tell you how good that feels. Especially because for a lot of years, we weren’t.

We used to fight — a lot. For a while it seemed like we could only go a day or two without fighting. It was exhausting and stressful. I…



Chrissy Shaw
Ascent Publication

Published by The Ascent; Dreamer. Constant ponderer. Investigating how to live my best life; sharing my findings so others can, too.