Tim Ferriss’ Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse Was Incredibly Hard to Listen To

When super successful people get revealed as human beings, it’s a beautiful moment in history.

Tim Denning
Ascent Publication
Published in
9 min readSep 18, 2020


Picture: Flickr/AndrewDrewKelly

When super successful people get revealed as human beings, it’s a beautiful moment in history.

Many people have idolized Tim Ferriss. They’ve seen him as some kind of superhuman experimenter who can do no wrong.

Recently, we saw the real Tim Ferriss in all his glory.

The podcast episode that revealed his childhood trauma was hard to listen to. I shed many tears through much of the episode and felt all sorts of emotions. Tim describes it as “the most important podcast episode” he has ever published (I agree).

What happened to Tim Ferriss?

From the age of two to four years old he was sexually abused by the 12 year old son of his babysitter. The abuse happened at such a young age that Tim had completely forgotten the whole experience. But his life was full of tiny signs that something was wrong.

Through his journey with psychedelics, and by attending a silent retreat, he had flashbacks to this moment in his childhood a few years ago.



Tim Denning
Ascent Publication

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