To Truly Improve Yourself, Spend Time In This One Uncomfortable Space

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” — Socrates

Nick Wolny
Ascent Publication


Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

We all want to discover and pursue our true passions in life. In a now-famous post by former palliative care nurse, Bronnie Ware, the number one regret of the dying was that they had not lived lives that were ultimately true to themselves.

For many of us, the interests that now capture our attention are ones we were oblivious to for many years. (Plot twist: You’re probably still oblivious to some of them.)

Imagine that this circle drawn on a sticky note represents all knowledge:

(Photos by the author)

Knowledge can be divided into three categories. First, there is what you know you know (“KK”).

You know how to type on a keyboard, you know how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you know how to browse movies and TV shows on Netflix.



Nick Wolny
Ascent Publication

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