True Love Happens When You’re By Yourself

Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2019


Photo by Paulette Wooten on Unsplash

“True love finally happens when you by yourself”

— Lizzo

I was driving back from Pasadena to the South Bay yesterday on the infamous, congested Los Angeles highways. Per my usual way to pass the time, I jammed out to some music blaring through my Prius speakers, windows rolled down, and zero care given for anyone that saw me.

I’ve been really into Lizzo lately — her straightforward, empowering messages of self-love are right up my alley. In fact, you could say I’m a bit obsessed as of recently.

A catchy song of Lizzo’s came on that I never heard before: Soulmate. Of course, the first thing I think of when I see the title is, “Ug, I hope this isn’t a sappy song about finding that one person in the world that you’re meant to be with.” That was a clear indication that I have some familiarizing to do with Lizzo’s music.

I was pleasantly surprised when lyrics of loving yourself and being the best possible partner to yourself that you could have came roaring through my speakers. I loved it — it felt like every message that I try to convey through my writing, all wrapped up into a catchy, new-age hip-hop song.

But one line really stuck with me — the title of this article. The idea that true love comes when you’re by yourself.



Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." // IG: @kirstietaylorr //