Unemployment Has Made Me a Better Person

Here’s how I went from experiencing dread to relaxation.

Divergent Hope
Ascent Publication


Photo by Robin Benzrihem on Unsplash

After I quit my job a couple months ago, several changes kicked in:

  • I had all the time in the world to think about whatever I wanted.
  • I dreaded what people would think of me.
  • Our income as a couple got slashed by more than half. For the first time in my life, I no longer had health insurance.

Before I quit, I absolutely and definitely needed some time off. I was exhausted.

For months, I had been jealous of the characters in Jane Austen novels whose lives are so slow that they can visit people for several months at a time.

In my head, I was making wild calculations about how much longer I would have to suffer at work. How much longer before I could take a couple months of maternity leave? I was counting the years and months until our mortgage will be paid off. In my mind, paying off the mortgage meant freedom from suffering at work.

After I quit, I was afraid of judgments.

I dreaded going to grocery stores in the middle of the day. People would *know* that I was unemployed. They would stare. They would judge. I didn’t want them to think poorly of me.



Divergent Hope
Ascent Publication

Anonymous writer, software engineer, gardener, and wife.