Want Better Relationships? Dump All Your Preconceived Notions

Tom Blair
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readApr 19, 2018


“A group of four laughing men sits on an edge overlooking a green valley” by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Judging others is wrong… right?

Then why do we obsess about what others do and how they think? Why do we decide what others feel or think just by observing their actions? Why do we think that everyone sees the world like we do? Can we learn from this and use what we learn to better ourselves?

I was taught all my life to not judge others, but a big contradiction started to emerge as I was also being taught who was a good person versus who was a bad person. I have the perspective now as an adult to better understand my upbringing, and I do not believe that the teaching of good person versus bad person is dishonest in anyway. However, I’m starting to unpack what was really happening and I have a few thoughts.

I believe whole-heartly that what started, however appropriately, as a good versus bad value system, eventually molded into more of a we don’t hang around these type of people because they do bad things type of teaching. So in the process, for me, this created a judgmental mindset, whether good or bad, based on the characteristics and actions of those around me.

I knew that it wasn’t right to judge people, or to place them in my mind a certain way just because of their words or actions. It’s an easy thing to do, because we are all human, and…



Tom Blair
Ascent Publication

A musician with a desire to entertain, enlighten, inspire, and write about it all. #stayhungry #letsconnect