Want to Become Truly Successful? Then Make Acquiring This Trait Your Goal

It influences every aspect of your work and personal life.

Linda Smith
Ascent Publication


When you think about the most important skills for success, what comes to mind? Critical thinking? Persistence? Good judgement?

All important, perhaps, but one characteristic shines bright in all those who are true successes in life: empathy.

Empathy is certainly enjoying it’s day in the sun. It’s the trait du jour, with everyone rallying around and talking about how important it is. You can find online quizzes, articles, books and more around this current hot topic.

I daresay, though, that our infatuation with empathy isn’t without substance or endurance. It’s the critical piece for success in all things, from business ventures to relationships, and it’s more important than ever.

What Empathy Is

Empathy is, quite simply, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It goes a step further than sympathy, which is merely caring for, and feeling sorrow for, another’s pain.

Brené Brown, best-selling author and research professor at the University of Houston, has much to say on the topic of empathy.

“Empathy doesn’t require…



Linda Smith
Ascent Publication

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