Want to Make Your Money Fly? Build Your Safety Net First.

If you want to become rich, you need an emergency fund.

Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication


Picture by APG Graphics on Pexels

You likely know all the essential investment principles. You know you shouldn’t save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving. You know your salary won’t make you rich, but your spending habits will, and most importantly, you know the single best investment you can make is one in yourself.

By following these basics, you might’ve already made your money work for you. But unless you’ve built an emergency fund, your progress might be gone from one day to the next.

Here are the three dangerous downsides of not having a safety net:

  • Compromising your future returns to deal with an emergency
  • Building workarounds with high-interest loans
  • Lowering your credit score (making future loans even more expensive)

Growing Your Money is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

If it were a sprint, I would ditch the emergency fund advice and, instead, tell you to find the highest risk/return rate and go all in.

And there are people following this sprint scheme. But once the market hits rock bottom and becomes liquid, they lose a ton of…



Eva Keiffenheim
Ascent Publication

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