What did I develop from my tooth fairy?

JM Santos
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2018
“denture toy” by rawpixel on Unsplash

A few months ago, I had to go to the dentist for the reason that I had a headache. Yes, headache. My head hurts so bad. No, just kidding around. I had a toothache caused by a cavity inside my precious tooth. How lucky that cavity to be part of me.

The situation was I had to undergo a root canal operation. An operation that will clean up the cavity from the tooth and put a crown on it. Sounds good? Yeah. I think for other patients it only took a few weeks or a month but for me? No. It took approximately 5 months to be on the final stage!

The Process

You might wonder and ask, why does it take you a long time to be on the final stage? It took a lot of months because I can only meet my dentist once a week due to the conflict with my schedule. Every session, the doctor would tell me “JM, you didn’t do a good job again in brushing your teeth.”. It was almost every time. And every time I heard it, I stumbled in my head. Then she would follow saying to floss my teeth well. Exert more effort in brushing. It felt like I was a child scolded by a mother. I thought I already graduated from that part of life. I was wrong.

But I didn’t get angry with her.

I accept everything she says in a positive way and challenge. I switched my mindset to make it as a challenge and not to complain nor get angry. I remember telling myself that next week when I come back I will be much better.

Bringing it all together

Since then, I would floss hard enough until my gums bleed.
Every day I use an inter-dental brush to clean it well.
And every day I’m brushing more.

Most of the times, I get lazy doing the process of cleaning. It is too long and time-consuming. But every time I would feel that the lazy feeling will take over. I get up and do it. I will stop thinking and do it without thinking back again.

I love the process.

I know I get lazy at times. But I really love the process of it. I love it because I can see from myself that I’m working hard on it. I love it because I know it will benefit my future self.

My dentist helps me developed the importance of self-discipline even on small things. Small things accumulate and form a big success. A small win in life is far better than any kind of losing.

As I continue my journey, I realized that the end result is important. Of course. But, the process is far more important. It is more important because it gives you something in your life. Something that will help you become the best version of yourself.

Don’t complain. You can find opportunities. — Jack Ma

Enjoy the process and most importantly trust it.

May you reach your dreams and continue to do great things.

