What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

Is it a futile narcissistic exercise, or a vehicle for self transformation?

Kerry Needs
Ascent Publication


Photo by Roberto Delgado Webb on Unsplash

When you look in the mirror, what thoughts come to mind?

As I mentioned in How to Embody Your Higher Self, any change first involves the mental conception of yourself.

Rather than just being shiny tools to tweak your physical appearance, mirrors can also be used way of building a powerful self-image and developing a strong sense of self trust.

In researching this revision of self, I stumbled upon a concept that seems to be pretty powerful -the power of mirror work.

Leading celebrity therapist Marisa Peer has been vocal about the power of mirror work.

It led her to create a book,I am enough- mark your mirror and change your life’, where she details the power of acknowledging affirmations by physically writing them on the mirror. It’s even led to a viral social media campaign.

“I would look myself in the eye SO many times in the mirror and say ‘you can do this. You’ve got…



Kerry Needs
Ascent Publication

Freelance Copywriter | Experiments in #lifestyledesign, #productivity and #flow. Occasional #poet. Get in touch: www.kerryneeds.com