Photo By: Gabriele Ribeiro

What Fitness Taught Me About Life

Lessons from my experience to aid your journey

Daksh Dhillon
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2019


I know what you’re thinking:

“ Yeah okay, this is going to be about Gym Bros, crushing the iron and starving yourself”

Well, Maybe not about Gym Bros, the other two? Let’s just say we’ll see.

Fitness like everything else has different connotations for all of us. For me, Fitness is more than just maintaining a certain standard or level. It's about pushing myself by just a teeny-tiny percent. Every single day.

Physical fitness gets a bad rap from some people who say the following:

“Who has time for all that”

“Why aren’t you eating that doughnut bro”

“You’ll never get a six pack, you’re too obese”

If you have heard any of that, give me an ‘Aye.’

That’s all nothing but bullshit and excuses. You know it, I know it and you know what, even the people who say those things know it.

So, Let’s prove them wrong, while enriching ourselves and get right into it, Shall we?

Life Lessons Fitness Taught me

Lesson#1: It’s not about what you did on 1 day

Painful but true. If eating grilled chicken and boiled vegetables, every meal for one single day, made us all have slim, trim and toned bodies, Why wouldn’t we all be doing that?

It’s not about what you did one day, It’s about what you did every single day

Lesson#2: Learn to ignore the people staring

I was a scrawny kid when I first went to the gym and boy oh boy, do I remember people staring. My reaction went from anxiety to irritation to ignorance and I guess that’s what helped me do my thing in the way that I wanted to.

Remember one thing, If you’re good at doing something, people will stare. If you’re bad at doing something, people will stare.


So ignore them and just do your thing.

Lesson#3: Support Incoming

In gym parlance, we have what is called as ‘spotters.’ The sole purpose of those dudes is to make sure that:

(a) You push your limits with their assistance

(b) You don’t kill yourself ( arguably)

Mostly, my trainer spots me. If it’s not him then it’s usually one of my friends.

That brings me to another point: Friends!

Surround yourself with people who understand your goals, don’t call you crazy and root for you instead. These are the people who will push you when you feel lazy or do not live up to your self-proclaimed standards.

Lesson#4: Growth isn’t linear

Often bodybuilders hit a plateau. Where no matter what they do they are not able to gain any more muscle or surpass their limits.

Does this mean they stop trying?

Absolutely not, In fact, the more they keep trying consistently, the more likely they are to someday break that plateau. And guess what? When they do break the plateau, they are gonna elevate themselves at an incredibly rapid pace that is difficult to even fathom.

‘The Hustle’ or ‘The Grind’ is nothing more than hitting plateaus and being strong enough to come back every day. Knowing that growth isn’t linear.

Lesson#5: Don’t make your goal an activity, make it a ‘Lifestyle’

‘Activity’ is just doing something. ‘Lifestyle’ is the way in which a person lives. It permeates every layer of their fabric down to their very core.

This is what is going to make you wake up early in the morning and sleep late at night. Here’s the kicker. I sleep at 12 am every single night, Like a baby no less.

How is that possible? By knowing that every second I am awake is dedicated to my goals. Even my sleeping 8hours won’t matter if I am productively using the other 16.

Lesson#6: Take your selfies, just not when you need to Workout

This is applicable to life, business, gym, at home. Wherever you name it. Leisure time and relaxing are important. So are celebrating your achievements and patting yourself on the back.

“Just don’t pat yourself on the back once when the opportunity to pat yourself on the back twice is going by and you know it.”

Lesson#7: Teach others the knowledge you have gained

Remember that time when you were googling ‘how to bench press correctly.’ Well, now a new member is struggling to do just that. Reach out to him politely and offer your assistance. He will feel great but you, you will feel amazing!

You know how they say “Teaching is the fastest way to learn something.”

Lesson#8: You don’t take a Break, You earn a Break

In the gym, in your business or in your home. Have that chocolate ice-cream, watch Netflix, play your video games. By all means do so, Once you have earned it

Lesson#9: Always have an ‘End Goal’ in mind

What motivates me in the gym is the image of my shredded self that I have in my mind. It helps me remember what I am working towards and most importantly, shows me my potential.

Not just in the gym but in anything, be it your work, relationships or material possessions, Always have a destination to walk towards. You still have to walk but now you’re going somewhere.

Thank you for your time, everyone. By teaching you whatever little life is teaching me, I am able to grow in the process as well. Love from the heart for you and your families. Do let me know about the triumphs or challenges you are facing in the comments or via private note and I’d love to offer my perspective. Prompt replies guaranteed.



Daksh Dhillon
Ascent Publication

Media Student | Performance and Motivation Junkie | Tech Lover | Bibliophile | In a love marriage with writing :)