What I have been up to lately.

Maurice Jager
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2017

It’s been a while since I’ve posted something on my website or on social media. Obviously, this wasn’t because I didn’t want to, but because I was focussed on something else. I’ve been busy working on my new website and working out my business plan for the next 90 days.

New website and business plan

I’ve been running around with my previous website for about 3 years and it got bulky, slow and just not that appealing to me anymore. There was a bunch of stuff on there that didn’t serve any purpose and which needed to go. For example, I stopped selling HurleyProGear Proboards a while ago, but still had all sorts of logic build in the site for shipping. My blogs looked like crap and where more or less hidden on the site and don’t even get me started on the speed of the site, which teleported my visitors straight to the 1800s. My SEO dropped to subzero and I had more plugins running than photographers have RAW files. Anyway, there was a lot to improve and instead of fixing the old I decided to build it from the ground up again.

All in all it took me a couple of weeks, but now my website is faster than a fat kid jumps on cake and scores in the solid 90s with all the speed testing tools online. I downsized on plugins a LOT and turned it into a lean, mean content machine. Because that’s what it’s going to be, a content machine.

Read more at: http://www.mauricejager.com/my-photography-business-plan-and-update/

Talk soon!




Maurice Jager
Ascent Publication

Premiere headshot and portrait photographer | Blogger | Founder of PERSONAL BRANDING FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS | Brand ambassador Tether Tools, Phottix and FEISOL.