What I Wish I’d Done Differently for My Career

Not listening to my dad is number one

Kayla Peart
Ascent Publication


Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

As of late, I’ve been dealing with this weird feeling. It feels as if I fell asleep when I turned 18 and woke up a few years later. During this time, everything to do with my career feels like a blur.

I dropped out of school at 17 and by the time I hit 18, I was lost. I didn’t know what to do for a career — what I wanted from my future. I bounced around ideas before finally settling on creating a business I would end up regretting later.

Those memories and the feelings from that time play on repeat. I can’t help but think of all the things I should’ve done instead. Here’s that list.

Didn’t listen to my dad

My dad lives on the other side of the country. During my childhood, phone calls took place weekly and he did his best to keep in contact.

One of our conversations circled around careers, specifically if I already had something in mind. I told him I wanted to be a writer.

He shut that idea down quickly. “There’s no money in that,” he said.

I wish I could’ve said I proved him wrong. But, I wasn’t that kind of kid.



Kayla Peart
Ascent Publication

Wandering through life and wondering about it. Storyteller & poet. Subscribe today for a bit of brightness in your inbox: https://moonflwr.substack.com/