What Is Intellect and How Do We Find it?

It is difficult to separate the ego from lessons learned.

Susie Pinon
Ascent Publication


Image created by Susie Pinon in Canva

Intellect is the capacity to think through reason, then act. It is far different from intelligence, which can be obtained from a book, teaching(s), or life experiences. It follows the culmination of self-discipline and enables us to more easily maintain control over our life experiences with integrity and clarity. It can be developed on its own but is often sought after and obtained with practice.

I admit that I lack intellect. Instead of responding, I react. Oftentimes it is out of insecurity or unwillingness to admit that I’m wrong about something. I believe my reactions are rooted in lifelong behavioral and cultural practices among other things. Despite this, I fight to rewire my brain. I embrace unlearning as a critical tool that will hopefully one day align with intellect.

Intellect is not a skill that stands alone. It is one that requires thinking, reason, judgment, and decision-making.

The Outside World Makes Us Happy

There are plenty of external experiences that contribute to our overall mood. Different stressors interrupt the mind from accomplishing intellect. It can be so…



Susie Pinon
Ascent Publication

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉