What Jocko Willink Tweeting a Picture of His Watch at 4:30 AM Says About Your Self-Discipline

How to be laser-focused on getting things done

Joseph Mavericks
Ascent Publication


Jocko Willink is an American retired officer of the United States Navy, who served in the Navy SEAL teams. He was honoured with the Silver Star and Bronze Star for his service, and he achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

He’s now retired, publishes best-selling books, hosts a popular podcast, and gives speeches. He’s what’s commonly referred to as a pretty successful guy. And like with a lot of pretty successful people in our society, we tend to all wonder: what’s his secret?

Well, there are two parts to it:

1. Be laser-focused.

After being on the SEAL team for 10 years, Willink was getting ready to go to war in Iraq. During the transition period, the military sent him back to college. There, he would read every single book he was being assigned. Every single page, without fail. He had the ability to lock his brain down and plow through the work. Jocko was at the top of his game. But then, something happened, and he lost his focus.

Later on, going home after his second deployment to Iraq, Willink started losing his laser focus. He had to work through evaluations…



Joseph Mavericks
Ascent Publication

Living with a purpose and improving myself is changing my life — I also make Youtube videos: bit.ly/3QAEXTm