What Living Abroad for a Decade Taught Me About Productivity

Experiencing life through different cultural lenses has forever changed how I approach work and life.

Ana C. Reis, PhD
Ascent Publication


World’s end trail, Horton plains national park, Sri Lanka — by Eddy Billard on Unsplash

As I glance at my empty little flat and feel the weight of the cardboard box on my arms, I’m once again reminded of the cyclic nature of life.

I close the door behind me and I don’t look back.

Instead, I remember sitting on a porch with my childhood friend dreaming about our adult life. “Do you think you’ll stay in Portugal?” she asked me.

“No,” I said. “I don’t think I will.”

It all started with “Bedknobs and Broomsticks.”

I remember being 5 years old, wearing my pink pajamas and sitting on the living room floor as I watched Miss Price enchant a bedknob and make an ordinary bed fly.

That surreal scene planted a crazy idea on my mind: that I could explore the world.

Many years after watching that movie I’m often reminded of how lucky I’ve been.

I grew up on a small village on the outskirts of Porto, Portugal.

But in the last decade I lived in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), Madrid (Spain), Basel (Switzerland) and Strasbourg (France). I also…



Ana C. Reis, PhD
Ascent Publication

Microbiologist 🔬 Science Writer by Day 📖 Fantasy & Science Fiction Writer by Night 🐉Traveler 🌍 Web-marketer 💻 Visit My Website www.poweredbybooks.com