What makes you Afraid? ( Day#2)

Shihab Uddin
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2017
Image Credit : Our Good friends at Unsplash

Fear is one of the most common human emotions. We are always fearful of something. Lets dissect what makes us fearful at first, I think it starts from loosing something.

We are afraid of losing hope, losing dear ones, losing time, money and all material possessions, losing organs or losing our life. These are the things that we can loose in our entire lifetime.

But wait a little bit, are we destined to live here forever? are we destined to remain always happy or always in pleasant sensations? I guess not.

Lets, think in the opposite way, consider we are the first human’s in the world and we don’t know what is happiness, sadness or fear. We just know we were thrown from somewhere in this waste basket. If there were no things to fear, we would be so much bored, disgusted or be so much careless.

Experiences of losing the same thing again and again makes us strong, makes us not fearful of that incident again.

If we are not fearful at any occasion, we may start losing everything or we will not feel bond or closeness to anything.

Such as death of dear ones, we all know we cannot have all our dear ones, family members, loved ones with us always. At some points they may leave us early or we may leave them early.

Our materials possession may stay with us but we have to leave them aside when we die.

Then what is the most important thing we should be fearful about? Our human organs, good health?

Yes, that should be most important. But we may loose some of the organs or become paralyzed despite living happily. A lot of that examples still persists in the world.

Then why do we remain fearful?For our respect, self-esteem etc in society?

We will get respect if our deeds are respectful, if we have done something disrespecting why should we expect to be respected by others? hiding things makes them foggy and one day that fog may come over and we may loose all engineered respect.

We are human’s, flawed creatures with too much emotions to take care of.

Even who cares if someone else respects us or not, It matters most whether we respect other humans. All the humans are good and all the humans are bad, its just context or sudden urges that makes them bad.

As a society we may forgive some of those bad things, but we cannot forgive others.

Finally, I really do not find anything to be fearful, losing almost anything, a death of a dear one, heartbreak, losing money, assets or losing anything.

Or I may say, I am just being above of fear of anything.

Sometimes may be for few seconds I feel a little bit fearful, But its okay, I am also human too. We are human’s, flawed creatures with too much emotions to take care of.

Fear is necessary but not to be taken seriously

Fear will be always there, like sadness, anger but important point is how do we deal with it. How do we conquer the fears, unseen, opaque and achieve our pursuits from a complete uncertain situations. We can control ourselves, whom to let in our center and who to no. But we cannot control another human being or other humans or sudden incidents such as an accident.

So, fear needs a deliberate strategy for to be dealt with. But despite having a lot of strategy, tactics sometimes sudden black swans may come and fool us by randomness. Its fine with them too.

If we are not fearful at any occasion, we may start losing everything or we will not feel bond or closeness to anything.

Fear is necessary but not to be taken seriously and it will pass, no matter whatever it is.

I love writing, it helps me in many ways but It does not mean I don’t like when people share and appreciate or criticize my write-ups. If you like it Please recommend and share. If you hate it please comment or criticize as much as you can.

Also published in http://shihabuddin.azurewebsites.net/2017/07/01/what-makes-you-afraid-day2/



Shihab Uddin
Ascent Publication

Connecting Business and Tech: Actionable Insights for Meaningful Impact. Find me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msuworld/