What Really Happens When You Quit Social Media

Both the short and the long answer.

Martina D.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Andy Art on Unsplash

Many people these days want to quit social media. But they’re also scared.

And for a good reason. We’ve become so accustomed to using social media multiple times a day, that we simply cannot imagine life without it.

We’re afraid quitting would cut off the entire world, mute our supply of news, and make our friends vanish.

And while the outcome isn’t the same for everyone, two of my friends and I have had surprisingly similar experiences. Want to know what really happened?

The short answer is— nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Well, at least none of the things we were afraid of.

Quitting our personal social media accounts didn’t make us feel like we moved to a cave. We didn’t miss out on events and didn’t lose friends.

To our surprise, with a few tiny adjustments, life just went on.

How do you really use social networks?

I first realized I had a problem about 2 years ago. First thing one morning, I found myself arguing with a Facebook troll under a photo of someone’s child.



Martina D.
Ascent Publication

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com