What to Do When You Lose Sight of Your Dreams

Or when your dream becomes someone else’s…

Blake Powell
Ascent Publication


Photo by Thomas Chan on Unsplash

*This post was inspired by an article I read years ago from Tom Kuegler. The idea for the post has been brewing in my mind for a while, but he gave me the kick in the butt I needed to actually write it. If you haven’t read his work, go check him out — he’s awesome! You can read the article he posted here.

For most of my life, I’ve wanted to be a writer.

Specifically, I’ve wanted to make a full-time living off my writing in order to fund the type of lifestyle I wanted to live — or at least, a life I thought I wanted to live. I don’t crave the same dreams anymore.

What really drives me is the desire to influence and inspire others with my words. To drive people to take actions to improve their lives and spur them on to do better with how they see themselves and interact with the people around them.

The money? That’s just a side effect of doing this type of work. I don’t care so much about it anymore. In that sense, writing isn’t a job, but a way for me to make an impact and live a meaningful life. And trying to put pressure on myself to be an entrepreneur and make money has only served to kill my desire to create and be free.

Are You Living Your Life or Just…



Blake Powell
Ascent Publication

I’m a writer, dreamer, and lover of ☕ as well as a future Financial Planner. Get tips on writing by downloading my FREE book -> http://bit.ly/become-bulletproof