What Your Music Taste Reveals About You

Psychologists have found correlations between these sounds and character traits.

Jon Hawkins
Ascent Publication


Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

It’s Monday evening, I’ve got my hairbrush in one hand, and I’m looking in the mirror, screaming the words to my favorite song. The imaginary crowd goes wild, and I feel a gush of positive energy run over me.

Whether you’re a metalhead, a jazz enthusiast, or an opera lover, we all have our favorite artists. But why are we drawn to different types of music? Why do some of us love the thought of aggressively smashing a guitar while others yearn for relaxing coffeehouse jazz sessions?

Psychologists have suggested that the music we love reflects our personality. They also argue that the environment we grew up in influences the type of music we’re drawn to. But in what way?

Your Music Is Who You Are

Research by Psychologist David Greenberg (Cambridge University) compared music attributes to personality traits. The title of his paper sums up his findings beautifully:

“The song is you: preferences for musical attribute dimensions reflect personality”

He carried out a survey, quizzing thousands of people on their personality…



Jon Hawkins
Ascent Publication

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles that help you better understand the Universe and your place in it.