What’s Next? — Steps 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

Austin Sustachek
Ascent Publication


So you got an idea. The next thing you’re probably wondering is, “How do I start?” For a little bit about starting, check out my previous article. If you’ve read that then continue this article and find out what my business is.

I’m Building an App!

There it is; the big reveal. I have an idea for an app that will help you become more organized and driven in your every day tasks. Keep reading and you’ll learn how I’m gonna develop that app and make sure the market will use and love it.

5 Steps to Success

There are five steps that are crucial to succeeding and making sure you can move forward with your business idea, in my case, my app. Take a look and figure out if you’re ready for the next part of creating your own business.

1. Research Alternatives

What does this mean? It means that you need to make sure you’re not coming up with an idea that is already in place. If you come up with a sports game that allows you to switch between different types of sports, look it up. You’ll either learn that there is that type of game or there isn’t. This will help you figure out if your app is worth the time and energy it takes to create one.

2. Name It

Simple, right? It’s not as easy as you think. Decide on a name and look it up. You won’t be able to name your app “Nike” for obvious reasons, and there’s a ton of apps in the world; chances are, a few of your decided names will be taken and possibly patented. You do not want to get involved in a law suit over the name of an app.

3. Design the Wireframe

I had no idea what a wireframe was until today at about 1:15 pm; It’s the chemical make-up of your app. What is your app gonna look like? How is the user going to get from the login to the sport selection page? Draw it up; design it on your computer; give it an image.

4. Validation

Make sure the consumers will use your app. Walk around and ask people if they will utilize the app you are creating. Don’t directly ask all of them. Ask them what they might be missing in the typical sports games. Ask them what they would like to see in a sports app. Get responses and make sure your app will strive in the market.

5. Development

The final step: How are you going to develop your app? Do you have the skills to develop that app? I, personally, don’t have the skill set to develop and make it work. There are websites you can utilize to hire an app developer as an employee, or you can have a co-founder. If you have the capital to hire a developer, that’s awesome; take your pick. As a college student, I don’t have the funds to hire an app developer; I am going to find one and ask if they would like to help me in return for equity in the company (If you are reading this and are interested, please contact me).

There you have it. It’s gonna be hard and it’s gonna take time. Have the patience and have the drive. If you put the work in and put in your maximum effort, you will succeed. You will crack the market and your idea will explode.

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Austin Sustachek
Ascent Publication

Entrepreneur. Social Media Phanatic. Co-Founder of Frontline Business Group, LLC. Writer for The Ascent and 100 Naked Words.