When will I become famous?

Nicole Venglovicova
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2016


Where I am: at home
What I’m listening to: The 1975 — The sound

Hey, I’m Nicole. I’m from a small town in Slovakia. Nobody I know personally got famous. Nobody I know personally achieved something on a high level [let’s say world class]. This is how we live, we don’t dream, we don’t hope for big things because in our town — these things don’t happen. That’s why you’re stupid in everybody’s eyes when you’re a dreamer. Well, I’ve been stupid my whole life then.

I decided to say FUCK to all this shit. I started my way up. First move — MOVE. Out. Yes, places don’t go to you, you have to go places. I worked my ass off in every opportunity. But now I’m 25 and I’m kind of not where I wanted to be 5 years ago. So I guess my 5 year plan has… failed. Well, it’s time to make another one!

As I said, I say fuck it. I’ll work twice as much. I’ll sacrifice everything if I need to. I don’t have a family yet. My only goal right now is to become successful. No, no famous, I used that headline to get your attention but I can’t sing or whatever. I wanna become successful. But incredible successful. Like on a big scale, not in one small city.

Let’s say this is my ‘Mission statement’ as Jerry Maguire would say. Or ‘Show me the money’ ???

Well, it’s not about money, even though money is fucking great, isn’t it? But for me, it’s more about doing something for people. Leaving a legacy, a mark after I’m gone. I want people know I was here. Is that too ambitious? Depends how you look at it. I’m not saying I wanna become Margaret Thatcher, I’m just saying I want to be known in the area I work in.

What I do? Check my showreel:

You’ve seen better work than mine? Of course! Because I’m still not doing quite what I’m great at. I didn’t get a full chance to prove myself and to release my full potential. And I would kill for that chance because I will outwork everyone in the room. I still have a lot to learn but I also have a lot to offer.

I love music, I understand music, I can film, direct, edit, design, shoot, manage social networks, present, doing analysis. I just have to prove it. And I will.

Quick look at my ‘successful’ career so far:

  1. 0–19 years old — living in a cardboard box sized flat with my parents
  2. 18 years old — published my first book called The 90’s [Slovakia]
  3. 19 years old — moved to Denmark to study [I’m still paying for it, literally]
  4. 20 years old — created an online music magazine [interviewed Kodaline etc.]
  5. 21 years old — finished AP degree in Multimedia design [Denmark]
  6. 22 years old — got a job as director, cameraman, editor [Czech republic]
  7. 23 years old — moved to my own apartment
  8. 24 years old — Set up, filmed an interview with RW bass player Jerry Meehan
  9. 25 years old — …

I was so close to success which is even more painful when you can almost touch it and then you loose it. From daydreaming about my dream job to a big fall. Down. It never worked out so far. I have contacts on many people from ‘the business’. I talked to them, I got invitations to meet. I got an amazing internship/job offer. NOTHING resulted in happy ending. Why?

I wasn’t ready. A ‘friend of mine’, who is a big inspiration to me and I have the pleasure to have a chance to talk to him once in a while, told me few days ago:

‘If you’re not prepared for the opportunity when it comes around, then you’re not lucky. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.’

So to recap:


  1. Prepare for every opportunity
  2. Work at least twice as much
  3. Never give up
  4. Be successful

I will be regurarly updating you about my way up [you can check it out, if you’re interested].

Stay tuned

Nicole x



Nicole Venglovicova
Ascent Publication

Content creator, Youtuber and business owner based in London.