When You Do Things May Be More Important Than What You Do

Learn how to optimize around the best times to do things for the best results.

Charles Black M.D.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Charles Black and courtesy of Chuck Black Photography

I’ve got rhythm. I didn’t use to, but I do now and it’s making a huge difference in my life.

I cannot dance, as my children gleefully point out. I’m not musical and can’t keep the beat. What I have connected with is the rhythm of life.

I believed that I was a night owl and that staying up late to study or work at the hospital was natural for me. I did not need regular sleep, and I certainly did not need eight hours a night. I could function quite adequately on six hours and could get by fine on four hours if I needed to. But performing adequately and getting by is not the same as functioning optimally and thriving.

I wasn’t listening to my body’s natural cycles, and it cost me. I put on weight, was frequently ill, suffered from chronic headaches and reflux, and experienced poor mood with frequent angry outbursts. It turns out these are all symptoms of chronic shift work.

We are all shift workers today.

I was suffering from being a shift worker, even though I did not have a night shift job. You may be suffering the same problems for the same reason. You see, we all have…



Charles Black M.D.
Ascent Publication

Dr. Charles Black is a general surgeon, author, photographer, outdoorsman, world traveler and fireside philosopher. Website:https://chuckbphilosophy.com