Who Are You Not To Do It?

A personal development story

Jonas Nienau
Ascent Publication


Photo by Sean Kowal on Unsplash

For the more significant part of my life, I have been going with the flow — often following the expectations of others and taking the easy decisions that were laid out in front of me. I did not bother to take time to reflect on where my life was heading.

In hindsight, I can say: It didn’t suck, but I also did not feel fulfilled. Even though I had a decent job and a fun hobby, I was still chasing skirts and the next great party every week. That alone shows that I was not at peace with myself. The change came when I developed and renewed self-awareness. Rediscovering the joy of reading and getting involved with personal development changed my life around.

I am not saying I had a bad life, but it wasn’t great either. Now, two years later, I am sitting in my living room in Lisbon, typing these words, reconstructing the path of thinking that got me here.

“Discontent is the first step in the change of a man or a nation.”

— Oscar Wilde

It all started with a book; it’s called “The Why Are You Here Cafe.” This book explained the concept of societies’ hamster wheel and asked questions that made me reconsider the path I was on.



Jonas Nienau
Ascent Publication

Inspiration and education to live a meaningful and joyful life.